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Key to the British Salpingidae

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Aglenus brunneus, variously classified among other families and recently transferred from Zopheridae, is very distinctive; small, 1.5-1.8mm, broadly elongate with the pronotum at least half the elytral length, near parallel-sided and entirely brown this species might only be confused with the eyeless bothriderid genus Anommatus Wesmael, 1835; here our 2 species are also tiny, 1.3-1.8mm, but they have rows of strong punctures to the pronotum and elytra and an apparently 1-segmented club; in Aglenus the pronotum and elytra are finely and randomly punctured and the antennal club is clearly 3-segmented. Our members of the Salpinginae are readily keyed as follows.


Lateral pronotal margins denticulate. Antennal club loose with segments longer and wider than those of the funiculus.

Lateral pronotal margins smooth. Antennal club different.


Pronotum brown; narrowed from the middle to the base, lateral teeth small. Elytra distinctly widened from the shoulders to the apical half; dark brown with 2 basal and 2 apical diffusely pale areas. Antennae pale with the club darker.

Pronotum dark brown and almost evenly rounded, lateral teeth, especially posterior angle, much larger. Elytra parallel-sided in basal half then narrowed to the apex, entirely dark brown. Antennae entirely pale.


Head produced into a rostrum.

Head not rostrate.


Rostrum broad and quadrate to transverse in front of convex and prominent eyes. Forebody entirely pale, elytra dark metallic.

Rostrum elongate and distinctly narrower than the vertex across the hind margin of the eyes which are less prominent. Head black with the rostrum pale.


Body entirely dark metallic. Rostrum broader and only slightly elongate. 2.0-3.5mm.

Head and elytra dark metallic, pronotum and rostrum pale. Rostrum narrow and at least twice as long as wide. 2.5-4.0mm


Mandibles weakly produced and rounded externally.

Mandibles strongly produced and straight from the base to the apical curvature.


Entirely brown or pale brown and larger, 3.5-4.5mm. Elytra in large part, especially near the suture, randomly punctured; generally with only 3 or 4 more or less distinct rows of punctures on the disc. Pronotum more finely punctured.

Entirely black species with the pronotum densely and moderately strongly punctured. Elytral punctures for the most part forming distinct striae. Smaller, 2.5-3.5mm.

Sphaeriestes castaneus

Habitus broader, especially the elytra which are broadened towards the apical half. Base of elytra leas depressed so that in lateral view the basal half is almost straight. Eyes asymmetrically convex from above.

Habitus narrower and almost parallel-sided. Base of elytra more depressed so that in side view the outline is distinctly sinuate. Eyes evenly convex.

Sphaeriestes stockmanni
Sphaeriestes reyi

Larger, 3.75-4.0mm. Head and pronotum more strongly and densely punctured, pronotum broadest near the anterior margin and smoothly narrowed to the base.

Smaller, 3.0-3.25mm. Head and pronotum more finely and less densely punctured, pronotum widest nearer the middle, narrowed and distinctly sinuate to the base.

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