Key to the British NEBRIINAE
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Eyes very large; occupying most of the lateral margin of the head, second elytral interstice much wider than the others.
Eyes smaller, second interstice similar to the others.
Elytra with wide foveae to the third and fifth interstices and a very long scutellary striole.
Elytra without wide foveae and with an abbreviated scutellary striole.
All palpi very long and mandibles widely explanate.
Palpi and mandibles normal.
Overall colour pale to creamy-brown, elytra with various dark markings but not dark with pale or red borders.
Body black to dark brown or, in N. livida, with the elytral borders contrasting.
NOTIOPHILUS Duméril, 1806
Second interstice more than 3X as wide as the third at the centre of the elytra.
Second interstice about twice as wide as the third at the centre of the elytra.
Legs pale or with the femora and tarsi vaguely darkened. Elytra entirely dark. 5.5-6.5mm.
Legs dark or with the tibiae lighter. Elytra with a pale pre-apical macula.
Elytral interstices flat; the outer ones dull due to strong granular microsculpture, contrasting against the shiny second interstice. 4.5-5.5mm.
Elytral interstices convex, the outer ones shiny with any microsculpture irregular.
Elytra usually with two large punctures in the fourth interstice which is distinctly broader than the third and fifth, lateral microsculpture becoming stronger towards the apex. Pronotum only weakly sinuate laterally. 4.5-5.5mm.
Elytra usually with a single puncture in the fourth interstice which is not, or only slightly, broader than the third and fifth, any microsculpture becoming weaker apically. Pronotum distinctly sinuate before the sharp posterior angles. 5-6mm.
Legs evenly dark, pronotum narrower and less rounded laterally.
Tibiae lighter than the femora and tarsi, pronotum broader.
Elytra with a single pre-apical puncture, interstices 3-7 smooth. 5-6mm.
Elytra with two pre-apical punctures, interstices with small, flattened impressions. 4-5.5mm.
Head as wide as the pronotum, with parallel carinae on the frons. Outer elytral interstices dull from reticulate microsculpture. Elytral striae finer. 4.5-5.5mm.
Head broader than the pronotum, carinae diverging anteriorly on the frons. Outer elytral interstices smooth and shiny. Elytral striae stronger. 5-6mm.
LEISTUS Frölich, 1799
Upper surface with a distinct metallic blue or green reflection in mature specimens. Elytra entirely dark metallic or with narrow pale borders.
Upper surface pale to dark brown, at most very faintly metallic. Elytra entirely pale to dark brown, sometimes with contrasting paler brown borders.
Pronotum strongly rounded and abruptly constricted before the base so that the lateral margin is sub-parallel before the perpendicular hind angles, explanate margin narrow and not, or only obscurely, punctured and without a setiferous puncture at the base. Upper surface dark with a weak but distinct metallic blue reflection. The lateral margins of the pronotum are sometimes narrowly red. 6.8-8.0mm.
Pronotum less strongly rounded and more evenly narrowed to the base, hind angles obtuse or weakly denticulate and with a setiferous puncture. Explanate margins broad and distinctly punctured. Elytra with a strong metallic reflection.
Head densely and randomly punctured and wrinkled laterally and/or in front of the eyes. Pronotal hind angles obtuse, explanate margin broad and pale. Appendages pale or with the femora and tibiae variously darkened. Pronotal epipleura pale. 7-9.5mm.
Head finely wrinkled beside the eyes. Pronotal hind angles sharp and weakly projecting laterally, extreme margin pale. Antennae darkened at the base, legs entirely dark with pale tarsi, or pale with the femora darkened in the basal half. Pronotal epipleura metallic blue. 8-10.5mm.
Pronotum strongly transverse; about twice as wide as long. Pronotum and elytra black to dark brown with distinct pale margins, hind angles obtuse, with a setiferous puncture. Elytral shoulders with a small tooth.
Pronotum less strongly transverse. Pronotum and elytra entirely pale or with the elytral apex and suture darkened. Explanate margins of the pronotum narrow and not, or only sparsely, punctured and without a setiferous puncture at the base.
Form narrower, entirely yellow to dark brown. Pronotum strongly constricted before perpendicular hind angles, sides sub-parallel before the base. Eyes more convex.
Form broader, pronotum and elytra yellow to brown, head black with pale mouthparts. Pornotum less constricted towards the base, narrowed to obtuse hind angles. Eyes less convex.
NEBRIA Latreille, 1802
Pronotum and elytra bicoloured.
Pronotum and elytra uniformly brown to black.
Antennae uniformly brown. Humeral angle of elytra discontinuous; with a small protruding tooth or distinctly angled. Basal abdominal sternite punctured laterally.
At least the basal antennal segments black. Humeral angle of elytra smoothly rounded. Basal abdominal sternite smooth laterally.
Hind tarsi glabrous above.
Hind tarsi very finely pubescent above.
Second antennomere without or with only a single apical seta.
Second antennomere with a pair of apical setae.