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Lophocateres pusillus (Klug, 1832)







POLYPHAGA Emery, 1886

CLEROIDEA Latreille, 1802

TROGOSSITIDAE Latreille, 1802

PELTINAE Latreille, 1806

LOPHOCATERINI Crowson, 1964 


A species originally native to Asia but now widely distributed in tropical regions across the world. Outside the tropics it is adventive in most countries where it survives in warehouses, stores and domestic premises etc, it occurs sporadically in temperate regions and is occasionally recorded in heated environments in the UK, usually from specimens imported with various grains. The species feeds on a wide range of stored products including legumes, rice and rice products, cocoa, coffee, cassava and dried fruits etc. Females lay groups of 10-15 eggs in fan-shaped arrangements in crevices among crates etc. Hatching only occurs at 15oC or higher and is inhibited above 37oC. Larvae are mobile and move around the bulk of the host material, they feed externally, develop within about two months (at 23oC and 75%RH) and there are four instars. They are 5.5mm fully grown, campodeiform and yellowish-white with a distinct tubercle between two strongly curved urogomphi. A pupal chamber is constructed within the food mass or among packaging etc. but not within individual grains etc. Adult emergence depends upon temperature and humidity but can be rapid, within a week or two; they disperse by flight and can be very long-lived.


2.6-3.2mm. A broad, flat and oblong species; parallel-sided or weakly dilated towards the apex with the elytra broadest behind the middle and evenly rounded to the apical angle. Somewhat shiny, entirely dark to pale brown with the margins of the elytra and pronotum paler. Dorsal surface sparsely pubescent. Head transverse and produced in front of weakly convex eyes. Antennae 11-segmented with a 3 segmented club. Pronotum transverse and broadest behind the middle; shiny and densely punctured. Lateral margins explanate and evenly curved to produced anterior angles, basal margin bisinuate. Elytra explanate and narrowly reflexed, each with 6 fine longitudinal carinae and each interstice with two rows of punctures. Front tibiae with moderate spines along the external margin and a hooked spur at the apex. Middle and hind tibiae with a comb of setae at the apex which cover the base of the first tarsal segment. Tarsi 5-5-5. Claws smooth, and without a basal tooth.

Lophocateres pusillus

Lophocateres pusillus

© U.Schmidt 2006

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