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Cryptocephalus fulvus (Goeze, 1777)







POLYPHAGA Emery, 1886

CHRYSOMELOIDEA Latreille, 1802

CHRYSOMELIDAE Latreille, 1802


Cryptocephalus Geoffroy, 1762

This is a very widespread and generally common Palaearctic species; it occurs throughout Europe north to the UK and middle latitudes of Fennoscandia and is widespread across North Africa and Asia Minor, extending into Iran, and to the east reaching the far east of Russia, China, Korea and Japan. It is locally common and sometimes abundant across central and south-eastern England but very local and scarce further north, it is mostly coastal in the West Country and Wales and occurs on the Isle Of Wight and Anglesey but is absent from Man, and there are so far no records from Scotland or Ireland. On the continent it has been recorded to about 1000 m but typical habitats include lowland meadows and ruderal areas; in the UK it occurs in open and sunny habitats including calcareous grassland, heath and moorland, arable margins and coastal shores and dunes. Adults occur from May until October, peaking in abundance in July and August, they feed on a wide range of foliage and mating pairs may be observed over many weeks from June until late in August, freshly eclosed adults have been observed in May but otherwise little is known if the biology. The main host is likely to be Sheep’s Sorrel, Rumex acetosella L., as locally we find the adults in huge numbers on this plant during June and July, but they have frequently been recorded from St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum L., and less so from Common Stork’s Bill, Erodium cicutarium (L.), Creeping Broom, Genista pilose L., Sea Pink, Armeria maritima (Mill.), and mugworts, Artemisia L. and others including various shrubs and trees. Both adults and larvae feed on leaves and flowers and larvae also feed on developing flower buds. Adults may be sampled by general sweeping, especially among low herbaceous vegetation in open situations; they are good fliers and also occur in yellow pan-traps and flight-interception traps.

2.0-3.3mm. Elongate-oval and continuous in outline, glabrous and very variable in colour; head orange or partially darkened above, pronotum entirely orange, rarely infuscated on the disc or darkened across the base or into the posterior angles, elytra usually extensively orange, more usually so in males, otherwise with a variable dark sub-humeral mark and the suture infuscated or narrowly darkened, legs usually pale but sometimes the tarsi and hind femora are darkened, antennae dark brown with four or five basal segments pale. Head hypognathous and not visible from above, with long and slender antennae in which the last segment is shorter than the first. Pronotum broadest about the posterior angles and smoothly narrowed to a rounded (from above) anterior margin, basal margin bisinuate and finely denticulate, surface smoothly convex and extremely finely punctured. Scutellum moderately large, triangular and rounded apically. Elytra sub-parallel and separately rounded apically, with strongly punctured striae, some of which continue almost to the apex, interstices flat or weakly convex, impunctate (at normal magnifications) except for a few scattered punctures towards the base. Legs long and robust; femora with appearing excavate posteriorly towards the apex, tibiae without apical spurs and tarsi pseudotetramerous. Basal segment of male front tarsi dilated.

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